Hey Sister — Nature Wants A Word With You!

When I”m stuck in rut - in my mind or in a life situation - I go for a walk either on my own or with my dachshund - Molly :) I live in Barcelona which has plenty of vast nature reserves that allows one to disconnect and get some mental space.

Molly is usually in her element, busy with her doggy things — sniffing around and being her adorable self. Meanwhile, I allow myself to be immersed in the moment, surrounded by the kind of majestic nature that makes you pinch yourself to see if you’re dreaming. (Because for me, it is — but that’s a story for another day).

Somedays, there are no major epiphanies on my walks, but then there are days that end up being an unexpected spiritual exploration. For example recently on my walk, i found myself pondering why nature inspires me so deeply. . .

As women, we share an incredible bond with nature — a bond of growth, resilience, and enduring strength that manifests in both silence and storms.

On my recent walk

Wow, the view was breathtaking — the trees stood tall, like ancient guardians of the earth, and the air was filled with that fresh, earthy scent unique to places untouched by the hustle of city life.

I found myself drawn to a serene spot and just sat down to listen. Have you ever really listened to the silence of nature? It’s not empty. It’s full of life, a rhythmic blend of subtle sounds — the rustling of leaves, distant chirping birds, and the soft whisper of the wind. It felt like nature’s own version of a meditation track.

Immersed in this stillness, I entered my meditative space, checking out from the daily duality of life to rest in nature’s beauty. My senses seemed to transport me to an altered state.

There, I picked up a little acorn. It was just a regular acorn, easily overlooked. But in that moment, it seemed like the most fascinating thing in the world. Small and unassuming, yet it held the promise of becoming a majestic oak tree.

Hmmm… it got me thinking about the nature of potential — how something so small can grow into something grand. It’s a bit like us, isn’t it? We start small, maybe feeling insignificant, but inside us is enormous potential.

The woodland scene was a beautiful blend of strength and serenity. On the surface, everything seemed calm and peaceful. But beneath the ground, there was a bustling network of roots, a hidden world of activity supporting these magnificent trees and plants.

It reminded me of how we often see only the surface of things — the calm exterior someone presents, without seeing the flurry of activity, the struggles, and the strength that lies beneath.

Amidst the flowers, weeds, and all the creepy crawlies that inhabit it, nature’s drama unfolds. Beautiful flowers, each unique and stunning, live alongside the weeds. Some might call the weeds the troublemakers of the plant world, but they coexist, each part of the same ecosystem, each serving a purpose.

It’s a bit like life, isn’t it? Our moments of beauty and challenges come together to create the story of who we are.

This brings me back to the little acorn and how it reminded me of women and our journey. There’s a quote that resonates with me:

“A woman is like a tea bag — you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water” Eleanor Roosevelt

It’s so true. We face challenges, we get into ‘hot water’, and that’s when our true strength shows. On the outside, we might look like we’ve got everything under control, but inside, there’s a storm of thoughts, emotions, and strength that we tap into.

Be Still and Know that I Am God . . .

Right there, as I tapped into the stillness of nature, it spoke to me in volumes. There was a sense of enduring patience and resilience — qualities deeply ingrained in the essence of womanhood. Just like these trees and plants that withstand life’s changing seasons, often with a quiet strength that goes unnoticed.

In nature, amidst all its activity, solitude, and drama, there is such harmony and balance. Like us women — often balancing various roles — nurturing, leading, supporting, creating. We are like trees, deeply rooted in our values and beliefs, providing shelter and comfort to those we love while reaching for the skies to fulfill our dreams and ambitions.

The resilience of nature is not just in its ability to endure, but also in its ability to thrive and bloom. Each flower, fighting for its space under the sun, is a testament to persistence and grace under pressure.

This mirrors our journey as women — how we face challenges head-on, sometimes struggling to find our place, but eventually blossoming in our unique and beautiful way :)

As I started walking back home, I found myself pondering the cycle of life and nature. In our lives, there are phases of retreat and reflection, times when we must step back, gather our strength, and prepare for the next phase of growth.

I felt a deep connection with the rhythm of nature — a rhythm that resonates within each of us. Our lives, much like the natural world, are a blend of moments of action and stillness, of growth and rest. In the quiet moments, in the stillness, lies the opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

So, darling, with this renewed sense of appreciation for the quiet power within each of us, I leave you with this: Like the acorn that holds the promise of the mighty oak, we hold within us the potential for immense growth and strength in each phase of our life, no matter the drama and chaos therein. We find our true power and grace when we acknowledge our connection with the natural world and its cycles.

So here’s to celebrating the strength, beauty, and resilience of womanhood, mirrored so eloquently in the majesty and stillness of nature. So girlfriend — get yourself out there in nature and let it speak to your soul . . .

May you find your joy ❤️


I’m Every Woman” — More Than Just a Song, It’s My Life’s Anthem :)


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